
I am a person who yearns to travel. I want to travel to so many places, I'm starting to think that it will take a lifetime and a half to accomplish it. But as a dreamer, I still hope to one day accomplish this and much more.

Here is a list of the many places that I want to go and the places I've already been (with more being added all the time):

The places I've been:
1. Nicaragua
2. Grand Cayman Island

The places I want to go to:
1. Ireland
2. South Africa
3. Papua New Guinea
5. Nepal
6. New Zealand
7. Spain
8. Russia
9. England
10. Austria
11. Germany
12. Australia
13. Argentina
14. Hawaii
15. Madagascar
16. Antarctica
17. Taiwan
18. Japan
19. Brazil
20. Chile
21. California
22. Oregon
23. Washington
24. Colorado
25. New York
26. Boston
27. Maine