
Hi! I'm Morgan!

In a nut shell: I’m 19 years old and in love with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have two amazing sisters  and wonderful parents. I can NOT wait to see where God takes me in life. AND . . . I like coffee. In a bad way.

Right now in my life, I have just finished my first year of college, at the community college no less, and I am planning on going there again in the fall and hopefully earning my Associates Degree. After that, well, we'll just have to wait and see what God has in store for me. I've been learning not to plan ahead and just let God direct my life from day to day. It's actually a lot easier than doing it myself. Go figure.

I go to sunday school and church every Sunday. Some people might find that a drag, but I can't seem to live without it. I LOVE going to church! And every Tuesday evening I go to college group at church. When I first started going I really wasn't all that excited about it. I mean, I was 18, I had just graduated from high school, and every person in the college group was in their 20's and was either almost done with school or had been done with it for years. I felt like such an odd ball. I felt like I didn't fit in. But then, one day, I met one of my bestest friends. We were eating wantons. Haha! Together, her and I kept going back and eventually we got to know more people. Now I know almost everyone there, and I really enjoy the lessons that we learn from our pastor, PR. I enjoy college group so much that sometimes I wish we had it twice a week. Tuesday just seems to early in the week, I mean I go to church on Sunday, then there's Monday, then I go to college group on Tuesday, then I have to wait through Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, AND Saturday till Sunday again. Ugh.

Haha, but now I'm just rambling. What I really want to say is that God is showing up in my life a whole lot more now than he ever has before, and I'm really excited because I can see my life changing drastically. And this blog is a reflection of what goes on in my life. One of the things that I want to do in my life is write, and this blog has been helping me become disciplined in writing more, and more often.

Well, I've kind of run out of things to say, but now you've got the gist of who I am and where I am at this point in my life. But that's what's going on today. Who know what's going to happen tomorrow. But I'll keep you posted!

Update: I finally figured out what I'm going to be doing and I am SO excited! Until I update my {about} page read all about it here.